Transportation Systems Management and Operations
- Traffic monitoring
- Timely, responsive traffic operations decision making
- Guidance for traffic engineering professionals and decision makers
- Intersection control optimization
- Transit stop and route optimization
- Emergency response optimization
- Freight management
- Access management
- Timely congestion monitoring
- Enhanced travel survey
Transportation Network Performance Management
- Considering mobility, safety, accessibility, transit, freight, social justice, non-vehicular modes, economic development, and environmental factors
- Maximizing return on investment
- Implementing construction strategies
Mobility of Demand
- Transportation planning process
- Distributed routing
- Peak-load shifting
- Mode distribution
- Incentivized transit
- Incentivized low acceleration and deceleration
- Incentivized maximum speed within 10 mph of posted speed limits
- Construction projects, special events, and crash mitigation
- Flood barrier mitigation
- Emergency evacuation mitigation
- Economic basis for travel incentives
- Transportation demand management
Road User Behavior and Performance
- User behavior analysis and evaluation
- Human factors within traffic operations
- Integration of new technologies within roadway networks
Transportation Equity
- Regional safety evaluation
- Resource allocation methods
- Inclusive infrastructure design
- Community engagement best practices