Dr. Hugo Zhou, Professor at Auburn University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Abstract: This presentation covers the results of a research project funded by ALDOT on the effects of low-cost countermeasures on deterring WWD incidents on freeway off-ramps through two case studies in Alabama. The low-cost countermeasures include traffic signs, pavement markings, directional rumble strips, and minor geometric design features. The study revealed that Do Not Enter, Wrong-Way signs, Wrong-Way arrows, pavement markings, directional rumble strips, and channelizing island, if used properly, can effectively reduce the number of WWD incidents and WWD distance on off-ramps.
Biography: Dr. Hugo Zhou is a Elton Z. and Lois G. Huff Professor in Transportation Engineering at Auburn University. He has led and worked on various research projects related to traffic safety, wrong-way driving, naturalistic driving study (NDS), access management, and traffic incident management over the past 20 years for ATSSA, NCHRP, and four state DOTs, including Florida, Illinois, California, and Alabama. Dr. Zhou is currently serving as PI on NCHRP 03-135 Wrong-Way Driving Policy, Solution and Guidance. The outcome of this project is a national handbook on wrong-way driving policy and guidance. Dr. Zhou organized the first National Wrong-way Driving Summit in 2013, which had a notable national impact and inspired other states to embark on their own initiatives to address this safety challenge. Dr. Zhou’s work is highly regarded by the transportation community. He received the High-Value Research Project Award by the AASHTO Research Advisory Committee in 2015, two High Impact Project Awards by Illinois Center for Transportation (ICT).