CATS Mobility Symposium: Advancing Mobility Performance in the Greater Tucson Area through Technology-based Transportation


8:30 a.m. – noon, Oct. 6, 2022

Overview: The University of Arizona’s Center for Applied Transportation Sciences (CATS) was founded in 2021 “to serve as a
research, training, and capacity-building resource for regional governments, educational institutions, and private
sectors in the field of Smart Cities. Observing a growing interest in technology-based transportation and integrated
smart mobility systems across the United States, CATS is convening a symposium to advance productive discussions
about the mobility ecosystem in the Greater Tucson Area. It will lay the foundation for an integrated technology-based mobility strategy for the Greater Tucson Area’s transportation system.

Together, national experts and transportation partners from the Greater Tucson Area will collaborate to (1) build a
common understanding of the State of the Practice of technology-based transportation in the US and globally; (2)
define and identify the opportunities for leveraging technology into the Greater Tucson Area; and (3) identify
considerations for advancing a technology-based mobility strategy. Symposium participants will learn how emerging
technology-based solutions are paving the way for enhanced transportation systems that are more resilient, equitable,
sustainable, and efficient


Yao-Jan Wu
